Tuesday 7 January 2014

Proverbs chapter 3 (part 2) - God's Wisdom in Creation; True Security

Proverbs chapter 3.

Summary:  God has the greatest Wisdom. Hence, to gain wisdom, we should follow God and His words. Sound wisdom and discretion are important for our daily lives, for us to live with peace, safety and security. Wise principles on How To Deal With Other People are elaborated. God has differeing attitude toward the good guys and bad/wicked guys. Ultimately, the wise people will attain honour whereas fools get shame and disgrace.

God's Wisdom in Creation (RSV).

19 19 The Lord by wisdom founded the earth;
    by understanding he established the heavens;
20 20 by his knowledge the deeps broke forth,
    and the clouds drop down the dew.  (RSV)

19 19 By wisdom the Lord laid the earth’s foundations,
    by understanding he set the heavens in place;
20 20 by his knowledge the watery depths were divided,
    and the clouds let drop the dew.  (NIV)

God has extensive wisdom, understanding and knowledge. God has created the earth and the heavens; the seas, rivers, lakes, and the clouds. God has the abundant wisdom as the Creator.

The True Security (RSV).

21 21 My son, keep sound wisdom and discretion;
    let them not escape from your sight,[d]
22 22 and they will be life for your soul
    and adornment for your neck.  (RSV)

21 21 My son, do not let wisdom and understanding out of your sight,
    preserve sound judgment and discretion;
22 22 they will be life for you,
    an ornament to grace your neck.  (NIV)

We must always keep sound wisdom and understand, sound judgement and discretion, in our minds and hearts.  We must practice good wisdom and good discretion like our life. Wisdom is very important in our daily lives.

23 23 Then you will walk on your way securely
    and your foot will not stumble.
24 24 If you sit down,[e] you will not be afraid;
    when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.
25 25 Do not be afraid of sudden panic,
    or of the ruin[f] of the wicked, when it comes;
26 26 for the Lord will be your confidence
    and will keep your foot from being caught.  (NIV)

Wisdom will help us walk safely, live safely. Wisdom will enhance our safety and security. Having wisdom, we will do the right things, be at the right places, saying the right things. Hence, enhancing our safety and security in our daily lives.

Folly will make a person pick a fight with other people, for instance. In a fight, people get hurt and injured. Aggressive fight may even result in fatality.

Another example is the use of psychotropic drugs e.g. ecstasy. A person without wisdom may pop ecstasy to get high at the disco, dancing the night away. Ecstasy is harmful to the body in the long term.

With wisdom, we can sit, sleep and relax at peace.  Wisdom will make us avoid quarrels and fights. Wisdom will help us to make peace with our enemies. Wisdom will keep enemies at a distance away.  Wisdom will help us tackle any difficult and tough situation. With our ability to face difficult scenarios, we will feel at peace even though inflicted with many problems. With wisdom and positive thinking, we can see the light at the end of the dark tunnel. With wisdom and positive thinking, we can silver lining in the dark clouds.

25 25 Have no fear of sudden disaster
    or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked,
26 26 for the Lord will be at your side
    and will keep your foot from being snared.  (NIV)

Despite having wisdom, we may still face natural disaster, such as earth quake, typhoon and tornado. But with wisdom, we will have the calmness and understanding to deal with difficult and emergency incidents. With wisdom, we know how to tackle every disaster or accident that occurs.

We have the assurance that, with Wisdom, the Lord will be at our side. The Lord will grant us wisdom to deal with every situation.

27 27 Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due,
    when it is in your power to act.
28 28 Do not say to your neighbor,
    “Come back tomorrow and I’ll give it to you”—
    when you already have it with you.
29 29 Do not plot harm against your neighbor,
    who lives trustfully near you.
30 30 Do not accuse anyone for no reason—
    when they have done you no harm.  (NIV)

Wisdom has several principles on How to Deal With Other People (Neighbor):
1)  Do good unto others. Good deeds help us to find favour with other people, and also with God.
2)  Charity. If we have time or money, do some charity, e.g. donation of money or food to the needy and underprivileged, visitation to old folks home and chit chat with the old folks.
3) When other people request a favour from us, do it now if we could afford to do it now.
4) Do not plan to do harm (e.g. physical harm, character assassination, harmful gossip or rumour, persecution) of other people.
5) Do not falsely accuse other people. Investigate properly, not making assumptions and guessing.
6) Do not back-stab other people.
7) Do not quarrel or fight with other people, unless he is doing harm to us or attacking us.

31 31 31 Do not envy a man of violence
    and do not choose any of his ways;
32 32 for the perverse man is an abomination to the Lord,
    but the upright are in his confidence. (NIV)

31 31 Do not envy the oppressor,
And choose none of his ways;  (NKJV)

We must NOT admire and envy the people who are violent and love to oppress others. Do not envy the Gangster. Do not envy the Loan Shark. Do not envy the "violent" people who make a lot of money. Do not follow the ways of the bad, violent, the oppressor.  Better to make less money than to follow the foot steps of the bad guys.

32 32 For the Lord detests the perverse
    but takes the upright into his confidence.   (NIV)

God hates the bad guys. God loves the good, upright people. Be wise, be the upright and good guy, and find favour with God.

33 33 The Lord’s curse is on the house of the wicked,
    but he blesses the home of the righteous.
34 34 He mocks proud mockers
    but shows favor to the humble and oppressed.  (NIV)

God's attitude toward the Good and Bad people:
1) Blessings to home of good and righteous people. Favour and grace to the people who are humble.
2) Curses to the home of bad and wicked people. Scornful to the proud and scornful people.
3) In conclusion, God favours and blesses the good guys. God dislikes and curses the bad, wicked people.

35 35 The wise will inherit honor,
    but fools get[h]disgrace.  (RSV)

35 35 The wise inherit honor,
    but fools get only shame.  (NIV)

35 35 The wise shall inherit glory,
But shame shall be the legacy of fools.  (NKJV)

Wise people will attain glory and honour, among people. Wise people will find favour with God and with other people.
Fools will get shame and disgrace, often due to their foolish action, attitude, speech.

Tuesday, Jan 7, 2014.
Michael Yeap.

NIV:  http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=proverbs%203&version=NIV

RSV:  http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=proverbs%203&version=RSV

NKJV:  http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=proverbs%203&version=NKJV

1)  http://www.biblegateway.com/resources/matthew-henry/Prov.3.13-Prov.3.20
2)  http://www.biblegateway.com/resources/matthew-henry/Prov.3.21-Prov.3.26
3)  http://www.biblegateway.com/resources/matthew-henry/Prov.3.27-Prov.3.35

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