Wednesday 1 January 2014

Esther chapter 9 - The triumph of the Jews

Esther chapter 9.

Summary:  On 13th day of 12th month (Adar), the one-day battle between the Jews and their enemies happened. With the hand of God, and assistance from the officers, the Jews were victorious. Jews killed 500 men and ten sons of Haman in Susa city. In the provinces, Jews killed 75,000 men.  Queen Esther requested King Xerxes for another day for Jews to attack their enemies in Susa city. On 14th day of 12th month (Adar), Jews in Susa killed another 300 men. Jews in the provinces rested, and celebrated their victory on the 14th day. Jews in Susa city rested and celebrated their victory on 15th day. Mordecai had sent out letters to all Jews throughout the kingdom/empire to establish Purim, an annual festival to celebrate and commemorate this event which turned form sorrow to joy, remembering God's way in the deliverance of the Jews from their enemies.

The Triumph of the Jews

On the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, the month of Adar, the edict commanded by the king was to be carried out. On this day the enemies of the Jews had hoped to overpower them, but now the tables were turned and the Jews got the upper hand over those who hated them. The Jews assembled in their cities in all the provinces of King Xerxes to attack those determined to destroy them. No one could stand against them, because the people of all the other nationalities were afraid of them. And all the nobles of the provinces, the satraps, the governors and the king’s administrators helped the Jews,because fear of Mordecai had seized them. Mordecai was prominent in the palace; his reputation spread throughout the provinces, and he became more and more powerful. (NIV)

Now in the twelfth month, which is the month of Adar, on the thirteenth day of the same, when the king’s command and edict were about to be executed, on the very day when the enemies of the Jews hoped to get the mastery over them, but which had been changed to a day when the Jews should get the mastery over their foes, the Jews gathered in their cities throughout all the provinces of King Ahasu-e′rus to lay hands on such as sought their hurt. And no one could make a stand against them, for the fear of them had fallen upon all peoples. All the princes of the provinces and the satraps and the governors and the royal officials also helped the Jews, for the fear of Mor′decai had fallen upon them. For Mor′decai was great in the king’s house, and his fame spread throughout all the provinces; for the man Mor′decai grew more and more powerful.  (RSV)

On the day as per earlier and latter edict/decree, the Jews gathered in the various cities of all the provinces to defend and attack their enemies.  The enemies and attackers were said to be mainly Amalekites, and Haman was a Amalekite. Tens sons of Haman were furious with the execution of their father, and confiscation of  their estate.  Ten sons of Haman were aggressively arming themselves and wanted make use of the first edict/decree to attack and destroy the Jews.

In this battle (one day civil war), the Jews had the upper hand. God was on their side. Other races were fearful of the Jews, and most did not attack the Jews. So only the enemies that hated the Jews very much would attack and battle against the Jews. The officers of the various provinces were also helping the Jews. This was because Mordecai was growing in influence and power.  By assisting the Jews, they hope to find favour with Mordecai.

Application:  If God is for us, many people will be making way for us. We will get support and assistance from other people. People will want to be on the same side as us.

The Jews struck down all their enemies with the sword, killing and destroying them, and they did what they pleased to those who hated them. In the citadel of Susa, the Jews killed and destroyed five hundred men.They also killed Parshandatha, Dalphon, Aspatha, Poratha, Adalia, Aridatha, Parmashta, Arisai, Aridai and Vaizatha, 10 the ten sons of Haman son of Hammedatha, the enemy of the Jews. But they did not lay their hands on the plunder.  (NIV)

The Jews were victorious in the one-day battle. In Susa city, Jews killed 500 men, and the ten sons of Haman. However, the Jews did not plunder and seize the assets of their enemies.

The Jews killed only their armed enemies and attackers. They did not kill the women and children. By not plundering and seizing the assets of their enemies, the surviving family members of the killed enemies could still survive with their assets untouched. This would bring long-term peace with their enemies. If the Jews also killed the unarmed family members of their attackers, and plundered the assets of their attackers, this would increase the animosity, and the enemies would seek revenge in near future.

Management concept:  In battle with enemies, do not overkill. In competition with competitors, we may aim to win, but do not "kill off" the competitors. Be merciful.

11 The number of those killed in the citadel of Susa was reported to the king that same day. 12 The king said to Queen Esther, “The Jews have killed and destroyed five hundred men and the ten sons of Haman in the citadel of Susa. What have they done in the rest of the king’s provinces? Now what is your petition? It will be given you. What is your request? It will also be granted.”
13 “If it pleases the king,” Esther answered, “give the Jews in Susa permission to carry out this day’s edict tomorrow also, and let Haman’s ten sons be impaled on poles.”
14 So the king commanded that this be done. An edict was issued in Susa, and they impaled the ten sons of Haman. 15 The Jews in Susa came together on the fourteenth day of the month of Adar, and they put to death in Susa three hundred men, but they did not lay their hands on the plunder.  (NIV)

Result of the one-day battle was reported to the King. King Xerxes, confident that his beloved wife would be happy with the result, reported to Queen Esther that the Jews had killed 500 men and ten sons of Haman in Susa city.

King Xerxes asked Queen Esther if she had any other petition or request.  In humility "if it pleases the King, ...", Esther made 2 request:
1)  Repeat the latter edict (to attack the enemies and attackers) for a second day on the next day.
2)  Hang the ten dead sons of Haman on the gallows.

Maybe some of the enemies and attackers in Susa city managed to escape, the Jews thought they need to get rid of his remainder to ensure future peace, hence Queen Esther requested a second day for the Jews to attack their enemies who want to to destroy them.

Hanging the 10 dead sons of Haman on the gallows would serve as example to all other races in Susa city. This was a demonstration of might and power, so that the other people would not dare to be enemies of the Jews. Enemies of Jews would think twice before attacking or plotting to destroy the Jews.

16 Meanwhile, the remainder of the Jews who were in the king’s provinces also assembled to protect themselves and get relief from their enemies. They killed seventy-five thousand of them but did not lay their hands on the plunder. 17 This happened on the thirteenth day of the month of Adar, and on the fourteenth they rested and made it a day of feasting and joy.  (NIV)

The Jews in the provinces were also victorious. Jews in the provinces killed 75,000 men, but did not plunder the assets of the enemies and attackers. Mordecai must have coordinated with the Jews all over the kingdom/empire that the assets of enemies must not be plundered.  This was a wise strategy. Giving the enemy a living chance after the battle is important. This would reduce the chance of the enemy seeking vengeance.

Management concept:  When we deal with our enemies and competitors, we need to be reasonable and realistic.  Do not push them too hard. Enough is enough. Winning is enough. We do NOT seek the total destruction of the enemies and competitors.

18 The Jews in Susa, however, had assembled on the thirteenth and fourteenth, and then on the fifteenth they rested and made it a day of feasting and joy.
19 That is why rural Jews—those living in villages—observe the fourteenth of the month of Adaras a day of joy and feasting, a day for giving presents to each other.  (NIV)

Purim Established

20 Mordecai recorded these events, and he sent letters to all the Jews throughout the provinces of King Xerxes, near and far, 21 to have them celebrate annually the fourteenth and fifteenth days of the month of Adar 22 as the time when the Jews got relief from their enemies, and as the month when their sorrow was turned into joy and their mourning into a day of celebration. He wrote them to observe the days as days of feasting and joy and giving presents of food to one another and gifts to the poor.  (NIV)

Purim festival was thus established, to commemorate this victorious event, an event which turned from sorrow to joy, from day of mourning to day of victory celebration.

Application:  Remember God for His hand in helping us through our ups and downs, our successes and failures, our trials and tribulations. Count our blessings. Thank God for everything.

23 So the Jews agreed to continue the celebration they had begun, doing what Mordecai had written to them. 24 For Haman son of Hammedatha, the Agagite, the enemy of all the Jews, had plotted against the Jews to destroy them and had cast the pur (that is, the lot) for their ruin and destruction. 25 But when the plot came to the king’s attention, he issued written orders that the evil scheme Haman had devised against the Jews should come back onto his own head,and that he and his sons should be impaled on poles.26 (Therefore these days were called Purim, from the word pur.) Because of everything written in this letter and because of what they had seen and what had happened to them, 27 the Jews took it on themselves to establish the custom that they and their descendants and all who join them should without fail observe these two days every year, in the way prescribed and at the time appointed. 28 These days should be remembered and observed in every generation by every family, and in every province and in every city. And these days of Purim should never fail to be celebrated by the Jews—nor should the memory of these days die out among their descendants.
29 So Queen Esther, daughter of Abihail, along with Mordecai the Jew, wrote with full authority to confirm this second letter concerning Purim. 30 And Mordecai sent letters to all the Jews in the 127 provinces of Xerxes’ kingdom—words of goodwill and assurance— 31 to establish these days of Purim at their designated times, as Mordecai the Jew and Queen Esther had decreed for them, and as they had established for themselves and their descendants in regard to their times of fasting and lamentation.32 Esther’s decree confirmed these regulations about Purim, and it was written down in the records. (NIV)

Mordecai wrote the first letter concerning the Purim to be celebrated annually. Queen Esther and Mordecai wrote the second letter in full authority to double confirm the Purim celebration. These letters were sent to all 127 provinces.

Mordecai was powerful and influential. Queen Esther was also powerful, maybe even more powerful. Because in the 2nd letter, it was signed by both Queen Esther and Mordecai. With 2 very powerful Jews in the kingdom, the Jews had finally found ease living in this new land of captivity.

God will bless us wherever we go, wherever we are. God will protect us from our enemies. God will make a way, when there seems to be no way. God is omnipresent, and omnipotent. Hallelujah.

Wednesday, Jan 1, 2014.
Michael Yeap.





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